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Should We use Ping or Not ? - PING

Hope you guys are aware about PING. If don’t know worries I will explain to you with easiest technical definition.

A ping is a signal sent to a particular host that requests a response. It serves below two main purposes:

1) To check if the host is available and

2) To measure how long the response takes.

A ping request can be performed using a ping command, which is a standard command in most command line interfaces. Several network utilities provide a ping feature, which allows you to ping a server by simply entering the IP address or domain name. Most ping programs send multiple pings and provide and average of the pings at the end.

  Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol network. It is available for virtually all operating systems that have networking capability, including most embedded network administration software.


In terms of technical language Ping is an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo message, ICMP is a protocol that routers or other networking devices use to send error messages to each other, the user send an Echo request with an IP address or a web address, e.g. ping

Once the server receives the Echo request it responds with an Echo reply message and the user device shows the Round Trip Time with some other information like max/min/avg RTT, number of packets sent and received and packet drops.

 Below snapshot is showing the result of ping response. It also shows that how to check PING.

Let us come back to our main topic that should we use Ping or not? If you want to check your network health then you have at least four options:

1: Put active network probes on suitable points: Network Probes are active equipment that sits within your network and real network live traffic is passed through them, these probes generates a lot of data for you and you can check your network health of many levels, like for different services, different geographical areas, chronologically they can show a very big trend if you have a large data storage.

There are below drawbacks:

  • These probes cost a lot.
  • You need experienced people to analyze and correlate this data with other network performance KPIs.

2: You can enable the active management of the networking devices. The devices may exchange a lot of messages with each other, if enabled, and based on these messages some tools can be used to extract information like network utilization, delay, etc.

The drawback in this solution is that it is not very diverse, there are very few number of parameters that can be enabled, also you are dependent on the vendor of the actual device as it may or may not be possible to see all parameters on the third party tool that you choose to use, also sometimes it is not easy to handshake the device with the third party tool and with the introduction of each new device or its interface you have to engage the third party tool’s vendor to add it to your currently monitored network.

3: Use speed tests. Speed tests are good to have some good information about your network health, its use is free and it gives you a swift response about your network. Some speed tests, if they are being used extensively by other users of your network as well, can tell more detailed information about your network and can benchmark it against other networks as well, either locally or globally.

4: Hence our last option is to use Ping. Using ping is free, you can use it to check whatever web server you want to check, you can use it between network devices to know the RTT between two routers within your network or outside of your network, its use us simple and it is always available, do not need internet connection like speed tests.

The drawback of Ping is that it tells the RTT only, it does not tell you about any other network performance parameters. Your network may not be giving a good Quality of Service to Ping so if the network is congested then Ping packets may be dropped.

However Ping are the reason of network’s success, it can only tell latency and this is what we need it to use for, also it tells you’re surely if you have connectivity with the Pinging of the devices or not. The network may be drop somewhere its packets due to congestion which means that you can know one more thing about the network health, while you get some ping packets are being dropped it means that some part of your actual traffic should also be dropping so it an issue in your network so you should fixed that ASAP.

Ping is the most reliable operational tool, all the operational staff managing the networks around the world understand Ping as the last resort. If you raise any connectivity issue to your operations they will ask you about the Ping result.

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