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Showing posts from January 10, 2021

Do You Know Key Difference of Docker Image vs Container:

Docker is a powerful tool for creating and deploying applications. It simplifies rolling out applications across multiple systems and is a useful tool for integrating new technologies. An application that runs using Docker will start up the same every time on every system. This means that if the application works on your local computer, it’ll work anywhere that supports Docker. That’s great news! It simplifies your development process and can be a powerful tool for  continuous delivery . As you begin to  understand Docker , you need to grasp two key facets of how Docker works. Docker image vs container — it can be a little bit complicated at first. In this post, we break them down and make them easy to understand. What are images? If you’ve ever used virtual machines aside from Docker, you’ll be familiar with  Docker images . In other virtual machine environments, images would be called something like “snapshots.” They’re a picture of a Docker virtual machine at a specif...