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Showing posts from April 12, 2020

What is Cisco Discovery Protocol? - Benifits and Features of CDP.

What is CDP? – Cisco Discovery Protocol? The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is developed by Cisco to share information about other directly connected Cisco devices, such as the operating system version and IP address. CDP protocol is a Cisco proprietary Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) network protocol. Through the CDP, administrator can gather hardware and protocol information about neighbor devices. CDP protocol is default-enabled on all Cisco devices including routers and switches and runs on all LAN and WAN media that support Sub network Access Protocol (SNAP).   CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) messages received from a neighbor Cisco device are not forwarded to any other devices by default. It means that Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is passed only to directly connected Cisco devices. Each Cisco device (which supports Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)) stores the messages received from neighbor devices in ...

What is Router ? - How to Choose proper Router?

What is a router? A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. A router is a hardware device that allows the affiliation with each computers in the network. The router is a device that operates in layer three of OSI model (Network Layer). A router uses a routing protocol, which is helpful with finding out the fastest and suitable route to send Data.   The router has multiple more and less complex uses. In its most common use, a router allows several computers to take advantage of the same Internet connection in a small home or office. In this sense, the router operates as a receiver of the network connection to take charge of distributing it to all the equipment connected to it. Thus, a network or Internet is connected with another one of local area. Nowadays, it is easy to obtain a router in a economic way from different brands. There are also those routers that use open source software and therefore allow a greater ec...