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10 fundamental concepts for PowerShell scripting

PowerShell scripts offer a handy thanks to automate various chores. Here are some key concepts which will help beginners as they begin developing PowerShell scripts.

PS1 files

A PowerShell script is actually nothing over an easy document. These all file contains a series of PowerShell commands, which includes each command appearing on a separate line. For the document to be treated as a PowerShell script, its filename has to use the .PS1 extension.

Execution permissions

To prevent the execution of malicious all scripts, PowerShell enforces an execution policy. By default, the execution policy is about to Restricted, which suggests that PowerShell scripts won't run. you'll determine the present execution policy by using the subsequent cmdlet:

The execution policies you'll be able to use are:

Restricted - Scripts won't run.
RemoteSigned - The created scripts will run locally, but those downloaded from the net won't (unless they all are digitally signed by a trusted publisher).
AllSigned - Scripts will run providing they need been signed by a trusted publisher.
Unrestricted - Scripts will run no matter where they need come from and whether or not they are signed.
You can set PowerShell's execution policy by using the subsequent cmdlet:


Running a script

For years now, if you wanted to run an executable file from the command the practice was to navigate to the file's path and so type the name of the executable file. However, this age-old method doesn't work for PowerShell scripts.

If you wish to execute a PowerShell script, you'll usually should type the total path together with the filename. for instance, to run a script named SCRIPT.PS1, you may type:

The big exception is that you just can execute a script by simply typing its name if the folder containing the script is in your system's path. there's also a shortcut you'll be able to use if you're already within the folder containing the script. rather than typing the script's full path in such a situation, you'll enter .\ and also the script's name. for instance, you may type:



Pipelining is that the term for feeding one command's output into another command. this enables the second command to act on the input it's received. To pipeline two commands (or cmdlets), simply separate them with the pipe symbol (|).

To help you understand how pipelining works, imagine that you just want to make a listing of processes that are running on a server and kind that list by process ID number. you'll get an inventory of processes by using the Get-Process cmdlet, but the list won't be sorted. However, if you pipeline the cmdlet's output into the Sort-Object ID command, the list are going to be sorted. The string of commands used seems like this:

Get-Process | Sort-Object ID


Although you'll be able to use pipelining to feed one command's output into another command, sometimes pipelining alone won't get the duty done. once you pipeline a command's output into another command, that output is employed immediately. Occasionally, you will must store the output for a long time in order that you'll use (or reuse) it later. this is often where variables acquire play.

It's easy to consider a variable as a repository for storing a worth, but in PowerShell, a variable can store a command's full output. for instance, suppose you wish to store the list of processes running on a server as a variable. To do so, you may use this line of code:

$a = Get-Process
Here, the variable is called $a. If you would like to use the variable, simply call it by name. for instance, typing $a prints the variable's contents on the screen.

You can assign a variable to the ultimate output of multiple commands that are pipelined together. Just surround the commands with parentheses. as an example, to sort the running processes by process ID then assign the output to a variable, you'll use this command:

$a = (Get-Process | Sort-Object ID)

The @ symbol

By using the @ symbol, you'll turn the contents of an inventory into an array. as an example, take the subsequent line of code, which creates a variable named $Procs that contains multiple lines of text (an array):

$procs = @
You can also use the @ symbol when the variable is employed, to substantiate that it's treated as an array instead of one value. as an example, the road of code below will run the Get-Process cmdlet against the variable I defined an instant ago. In doing so, Windows will display all the processes employed by Windows Explorer and Svchost. Notice how the @ symbol is being employed ahead of the variable name instead of the dollar sign that we usually see used:

Get-Process @procs


The split operator splits a text string supported a personality you designate. as an example, suppose that you just want to interrupt a sentence into an array consisting of every individual word within the sentence. you'll do so by employing a command like this one:

"This is additionally a test" -split " "
The result would seem like this:





Just same as per the split can a text the string into multiple pieces, the join operator can combine multiple blocks of text into one. as an example, this line will create a text string consisting of my name and last name:

"Brien","Posey" -join " "
The space between the quotation marks at the best of the command tells Windows to insert an area between the 2 text strings.


Executing the newly created PowerShell script can have unintended consequences incase that script contains bugs. a technique to safeguard yourself is to insert breakpoints at strategic locations within your script. That way, you'll ensure that the script is functioning as intended before you process the complete thing.

The easiest thanks to insert a breakpoint is by line number. as an example, to insert an opportunity point on the 10th line of a script, you'll use a command like this:

New-PSBreakpoint -Script C:\Scripts\Script.ps1 -Line 10
You can bind a breakpoint to a variable as well. So if you wanted your script to interrupt any time the contents of a$ changed, you'll use a command like this one:

New-PSBreakpoint -Script C:\scripts\Script.ps1 -variables a
Notice that I didn't include the dollar sign after the variable name.

There are variety of verbs you'll be able to use with PSBreakpoint including New, Get, Enable, Disable, and Remove.


When debugging a script, it's visiting sometimes be necessary to run the script line by line. To do so, you'll be able to use the Step-Into cmdlet. this might cause the script to pause after each line no matter whether a breakpoint exists. once you're done, you'll use the Step-Out cmdlet to forestall Windows from stepping through the script. it's worth noting, however, that breakpoints are still processed even after the Step-Out cmdlet has been used.

Incidentally, if your script uses functions, you will have an interest within the Step-Over cmdlet. Step-Over works rather like Step-Into, except that if a function is named, Windows won't step through it. the complete function will run no end.


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